Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Baby Boy, Another week down...

21 weeks

We made it another week. You're definitely moving around a lot at night now. I can feel you when we read to you and Daddy felt you, too, this week. We got a CD player for your room and have been listening to music at night when we read to you and when we fall asleep. Maybe it will be familiar to you when you're in you're own room. Daddy and I have been reading our own books at night to try and figure out what to do with you, and it's funny to feel like we're "studying" again. Hopefully a lot of things will come naturally for us, but just in case, we're reading up. (Be very afraid, little one.) We went to an infant CPR class this week, and I can't imagine having to use that someday, but hopefully I'll be able to recall it if I need to.

Daddy finished painting the closet, and it looks so good. I can't wait to put things in there.
Your Aunt Collyn told me that Cousin Alyssa is so excited about you. Everytime they go in a store, she finds something she wants to buy you. So sweet. I talked to Kamryn on the phone this week, and she asked how "my baby" was doing and if you were getting big. She always remembers to ask about you which I think is pretty thoughtful for a 6 year old. She informed that there are not enough cousins to hold you or Amber's baby because the 4 "big cousins" will be need to carry Brody, Blaze, Kinley, and Kassidy. Don't worry. That leaves 3 uncles, 3 aunts, and Mimi and Pop to carry the 2 of you!

What you were up to this week:

Your eyelids have finished forming this week, and you are very busy moving around and swallowing amniotic fluid. As you swallow amniotic fluid, your digestive tract is continuing to mature. You also receive some of the caloric intake from the amniotic fluid.

Up until this point your length was measured from the crown of your head to the bottom of your rear end (CRL). Now you are measured from crown to heel (CHL). You have grown to over 8 ½ inches long and weighs about 12 ounces.

My prayers for you this week:

That your little kidneys work just fine, that I get plenty of rest and exercise so you can grow strong, that Daddy and I will "just know" some of the ways to best care for you.




  1. I am confident that you will both "just know" how to do a lot of things, and that if you don't "just know," you are both capable of figuring it out together! I can't wait to see the new closet & nursery when we visit in a few weeks.

  2. I promise your parental instincts will just kick in like you've been doing it all your life. Being a parent is wonderful!!! Can't wait to meet and give him all kinds of love, I feel sure I'm going to have to wait it line to get my turn though. This little fellow has no idea what is awaiting him when he arrives----LOTS OF LOVE for sure. I love you sis!!

  3. Im going to be right behind Aunt Lori in line---you are going to be WONDERFUL parents!!!!!!!!I was like you ---I read alot--I made Heath read,too---then we just ended up doing what felt right--a little bit of everything:)!!!! Tell Kamryn that BLazr will just hold both the new babies--he is big boy--he's strong-hahahaha Miss ya!!!

  4. I can't believe it's already been 21 weeks...seems like it's gone by quickly. I'm glad Jonathan is getting to feel him move around some!
