Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear Bo, We're done with another week...

25 weeks

You have a name now, Bo!

We had a great weekend trip, and we spent most of the week catching up. We went to the doctor this week and found out that while your kidneys still have some fluid build up, it's at low levels, and it's nothing that can't be corrected when you get here. Yay!

Daddy and I worked on your putting pulls on your chest of drawers. It's going to look great (will post pictures when finished). I got a really cute paci clip for you this week. I wonder if you'll take a paci? I hope you don't prefer your thumb like your Daddy! We may have a battle of wills if you do.

Keep growing!

What you were up to this week:

While it does not appear that you are that big, you are slowly gaining some baby fat, making your appearance less wrinkled. If you have hair, the color and texture could be seen at this point. However, it can change after you are born.

You are now 13 inches long and weigh anywhere from 1½ to 1¾ pounds.

These were my prayers for you this week:
That the altitude wouldn't bother you. That your kidney fluid levels stay in check. That you stay safe in me until you're ready to come out.



  1. Yay BO!!!! I love it!!!! Such a cute boy name!!! Glad to hear that your kidneys are good!!! TTYL:)
