Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dear Baby Girl, Working on your room...

Well, we disassembled the bed in "your room" and started clearing it out to make space for the nursery furniture and your things.  Going through closets and drawers in the two guest rooms is a big job.

I continue to look at bedding for you.  I love this one, too.  And major bonus points:  it's about 1/3 of the price of the other two I like.

I can't believe I'm just about halfway to meeting you (over that if you come early like your brother, but I'm going to think positive).  I'm feeling you move which is really reassuring.  

Here's what you were up to this week (19 weeks):

You weigh about 8 1/2 ounces and measure 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato.  Your arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of your  body now. Your kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on your skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Your sensory development is exploding! Your brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that you may be able to hear our voices now.

These were my prayers for you:

That you'll keep growing well and miraculously, not have MSPI like your brother.  That you and your brother will be protective of each other and be friends growing up, and especially when you're adults.


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