Well, your extended family knows all about you! We told Daddy’s side of the family Thursday night, and we told my side at the lake on Friday. It was special to tell your paternal grandfather that day because it was 10 years since his own dad (your greatgrandfather) passed away. Most people seem genuinely thrilled you’re on your way (though frankly, we could really care less what they think about your arrival—we’re super happy you’re on your way!). Some of my favorite comments: your cousin Zane offering to teach you how to play golf and your cousins Brileigh and Kamryn asking their momma if they could come see you when you get here (and informing me that you look like an alien right now).
We had so much fun at the lake and such a sweet family church service. You are being born into a family with so much love for each other and the Lord. What a legacy.
You got your first presents last night. See, you’re being loved on before you even arrive! Your Boardman cousins sent you a box of gifts. They sent two gifts that are extra special to me—two things I have given each of my nieces/nephews: a Busy Bible and the book, Guess How Much I Love You. Made me tear up! So thoughtful of your Aunt Szalan.
Here’s what you were up to this week:
Your head accounts for almost half of your entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. Your skin is still very transparent, but your bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks we might be able to know if you are a boy or a girl. Even though I cannot feel you moving around, you are very active.
You are over 2 ½ inches long from crown to rump (CRL) and weigh about half an ounce.
These were my prayers for you this week:
That you have 10 fingers and 10 toes and strong bones. That whether you are a boy or a girl, you will love being just as you are. That you will always have a strong sense of family.
See prayers are answered--I saw ten little fingers in that sonogram picture today!!!