I read by the pool while Daddy and Brother played. I was reading The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan. Brother and I shared a mango snow cone at the pool.
I wasn't feeling great when we got home. Daddy handled bath time and put Bo to bed. I timed contractions and contemplated going to the hospital. I "slept" in the recliner and timed them most of the night. When they were 10 minutes apart for 2 hours, we called our standby to watch Bo, and I called the doctor. It was about 4:30-5am.
We got to the hospital, and I took a picture of my belly for what I imagined would be the last time.
We waited until we met with the doctor to call grandparents. We finally met with him around 7:30am. I wasn't far enough along to take you without an amniocentesis. So they gave us the option of doing an amnio, waiting in the hospital for me to progress, or going home and waiting it out. After much thought, we decided to do the amnio. I know that decision was a God thing, as when you were born the cord was wrapped twice around your little neck. I shudder to think what would have happened if we'd have gone home to wait it out.
The amnio wasn't all that bad. I just closed my eyes and prayed. Mimi and Pop made their way to the hospital. They've been at the hospital when all 11 grandkids were born and didn't want to miss the caboose's arrival. We got the results that the amnio said your lungs were developed, and the doctors sprung into action. Things were slowed down by my allergies to anesthesia, but eventually they took me back for the c-section.
Brother's delivery did not go well so I was scared to death. Mercifully, the nurse anesthetist was a guy we knew from church which put me at ease. Daddy and the NA talked to me and distracted me. I remember hearing Dr. Londa saying you were big and Dr. Robert saying the cord was wrapped twice. I was so worried when I heard that, but the NA kept saying you were great. I eventually heard you cry, and they showed you to me before taking you to clean you off and have you evaluated. I thought you were big and looked like Bo. Daddy kept saying you looked like Bo.
When they finished with me, I was put in the holding room and Daddy brought you to me. You nursed so well! I couldn't believe we were having such a "normal" experience after Bo's delivery and aftermath. I looked you all over. I couldn't believe you didn't have more hair, that you were such a good size, and I loved your full little mouth!
I went to the room, and Mimi and Pop brought Bo to meet you. He came in shyly then climbed up to peer in the bassinet. It was so sweet! We gave him a gift from you (a Bruder truck), and he was obsessed with it the whole time I was in the hospital. I was having trouble with pain control most of that night so I don't remember the day as well as I wish I did, but I do remember two thoughts running through my mind constantly...I have a daughter. And she's beautiful and healthy.
Katherine "Kate" Morgan Zanowiak
July 22, 2012
8 lbs. 2 oz.
19.75 inches