Both sets of your grandparents came, and a special time was had by all. It was extra special that you were dedicated on Pop's birthday!

I've thought a lot about what being "dedicated" means. We are dedicating you to the Lord, which to me, means we are dedicating ourselves to a lifetime of teaching you about His ways and His word. Yikes! That's overwhelming. I feel so inadequate to the task. I find myself not knowing where to start so I'll begin with what I've done since you were in utero...praying for you. And in my prayer I'll pray for revelation of what each "next step" needs to be.

I love you, baby boy. May you grow to know fully His blessings, His mercy, His abundance, and His grace. May you never know His wrath, but always respect it. And may I be an instrument in you coming to know all of His ways.