Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear Bo, Your constant comforter...

You have had some rough days in your little life.  Despite my efforts, there were times I couldn't comfort you.  There were times Daddy couldn't comfort you.  There were times Mimi couldn't even comfort you.  But through all of those times, you still had one comforter....your paci.
You love your paci.  You took to it immediately when we came home from the hospital.  You still love it now.  It is so cute when you play with it and try to fit it back in your mouth (which you can now do successfully).  When you start falling asleep, I love how you keep your chubby little hand on it.

It amazes me to see how tiny you were (and how much of your face the paci covered) when you were first born.  It's just another measure of how much you've grown.




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