There were snuggles on our chest, rounds of "bouncy bed", swaddling and reswaddling, shushing and walking, and singing so many songs we thought we'd go hoarse...
There was nursing and bottle feeding, baby food and "big people food", sippy cups and "milk"...
There was milestone after milestone: first smiles and giggles, rolling from here to there, sleeping through the night, crawling, pulling up, walking behind the walker...
There were walks around the neighborhood, walks to church, hikes, and wagon rides...
There was swinging, and reading, and concerts in the park...
There was Valentine's Day...
Your Dedication...
July 4th...
And Halloween...
Visits with the Zanowiaks...
Visits with the Bozemans...
Family trips to Breckenridge...
Lake LBJ...
And San Antonio...
Two anniversaries celebrating 40 years and one celebrating 10...
A first birthday...
And holidays surrounded by loved ones.
There were tears and smiles, sickness and health, sleep deprivation and nights of sweet contentment, work and play, arguments and celebrations. An eventful year indeed.
Farewell 2010!