Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dear Memory Bank, 11 things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving 2011...

  1. A healthy, happy almost 2 year old.
  2. His kisses, chubby hands, blue eyes and belly laughs.
  3. A husband who is a loyal, loving man.
  4. That in an up and down economy, we live in an area that is relatively unscathed and enjoy stable jobs.
  5. A practice group that is equal parts smart and enjoyable.
  6. Friends who have become like family.
  7. Family who have become friends.
  8. Old memories that keep my past close and new memories that remind me to keep moving towards the future.
  9. A wonderful nanny who loves Bo and cares for our family.
  10. Books (I'm working on a collection of these cloth bound classics for me and these for me, too, Bo.)
  11. A merciful Savior.


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